inwards the vortex
outwards to infinity
intention & choice
determine direction
"We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive
where we started and know
the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
delivered into the crucible of awareness
rising from the ashes
changed into the universal flow of being
This looks like a beautiful rose to me...or the energy of "within" which are one and the same as the rose for me. :)
All of your words are beautiful here..you paint with your words and I believe you are an old soul.
Good and creative energies to you!
I like a random approach to Blogging so I like yours. And I'm pleased to meet up with a South African. We used to live in Somerset West, and we returned to Capetown for a holiday last year. I now live in Australia.
I'm new to blogging so I'm scouting around.
My Blog is
Rinkly Rimes
the artistry of this was originally captured by the person that made this pice of glass.
when i saw them i was captivated --the swirls of colour resonate with me.
i thank you for the compliment--i was always told i had an old head on young shoulders and then i grew up and eventually interpreted life through my own senses.
being creative is a path and a way of life.
Derick your blog is an interesting trek to the endless!
I will add the link to
songosmeltingpot.blogspot.com, my blog in English
Thanks for your comm at songomusik
thank you for popping by.
the strangest thing---coincidence--if you really believe in it---is that your grandsons names--my grandfather was Harry and my great grandfather was Max--2 out of 3--no Blake
a trek it certainly is--seeing that the origin of the word trek is South African and the expansion is always endless--aimed at infinity.
thank you
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