in other realms
in other dimensions
the discarnate discourse continues
"We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive
where we started and know
the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
delivered into the crucible of awareness
rising from the ashes
changed into the universal flow of being
Loved all of your images and your words! I couldn't decide where to comment, but I kept coming back to this one..powerful it is!!
I see faces everywhere, in fact I plan to post about images in a tree soon.
I rarely include a link on someone else's site, but I think you might like this image. :) It is from a series I did called Secrets/yellow Moon. It reminds me of the image in your leaf...connections???
Your words are quite beautiful..and not of this world.
Good and creative energies to you!
This is beautiful magic!
Ah yes, beautiful....and many forget this.
The discarnate are all around me all the time. Touching me, speaking to me. I only need listen and I see them, feel them, hear them and AM them. They are me. There is no other for me. No time. No distance. No separation.
thank you it --this image literally appeared out of the ether!
i took a look at your link--the mind boggles with all the people and the animals there!
"Your words are quite beautiful..and not of this world."
thank you
take care
thank you for seeing the magik and appreciating it.
thank you--i know that you have been to the places i write about!
all is one
((( Derrick )))
I'm SO sorry I haven't responded to your kind note of concern! :) Just saw that you had been by my blog, and saw what was going on...THANK YOU, dear friend, for your thoughts and wisdom. It is very much treasured and appreciated.
Hope you are well and thriving in your part of the world! Your images and thoughts are amazing, as always...and so full of TRUTH!
there is no need to be sorry----i realise that you have been quite involved in other things.
i am well and being creative and extending myself on the learning curve of life!eleven months of blogging has certainly added to my perspective, appreciation and gratitude.take care
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