When life is a dark room, what is it exactly that you bring into that room?
At the moment of entering, what is your emotional relationship with that room?
Is it based on an accumulation of the past?
Is it charged with with the emotional scars of what has been previously glossed over?
What are the energies that you have charged the the events in your life with and what power have you allowed that energy to have in your decision making ability?
Is the bravado all on the outside?
Is the light that you seek, like the magikal rainbow, always moving as you move?
Are you feeling lucky in life or are you creating that sense of luck ?
Are the veils of the past, like a hangman's noose around the neck?
Do you feel that the emptiness is spreading outwards?
Is everything that is on offer to you excused because of the lack of enthusiasm and passion ?
Have you usurped your own creative spark by substituting it with an addiction to something that is momentarily satisfying ?
What is that upended emotion which prevents you from participating in your own life?
When you enter the darkened room, is it the fear that strikes you and immobilises you?
How far is the awareness of self ?
How large is the curiosity of the inner mechanisms of one's own mind?
Is there a sense of blame for the past events ?
Are the floodgates of your emotions cracking under the deluge of your guilt that you hold onto?
Do you feel responsible?
Are you able to take responsibility for the past?
Taking this responsibility does not mean holding onto all the emotional energy.
Being response-able is being is being able to respond to a stimulus with a response and ensuring that one is able to process the events and deal with the amount of emotional energy that one has charged onto any situation.
Taking the responsibility is being able to expand the perception of how one is able to see.
Looking is not seeing!
How does one perceive the essence of what happens?
How does one exercise the choice or choices?
There are always the choices.
In essence all experiences have a commonality.
We see ourselves as individuals, without seeing the connecting threads of our human experience.
To hold onto a fear is seeing the large spider and not being able to see the beauty and the graciousness of the web that it is sitting on.
We would like to believe that each of us is totally different, which is true on one level, but on other levels, as much as we see ourselves as islands in a large sea, we fail to grasp that there is a duality and dichotomy which makes the interconnectedness a strength and not a weakness.
In the perception of ourselves and others, we are either able to expand and evolve or shrink and devolve.
As much as we would like to believe that in some situations we have Hobson's choice---which is no choice at all, we always have a choice.
The choices that we have are not in changing the fabric of our own experiences and living in a vacuum.
We do have the choice of changing an event, no matter how or why it has happened.
Where we are able to exercise our choices are in the perception of that event and how we are able to process it would lead to a resolution and not being tied down to the emotional energy and content of that event.
We are not able to play God in our lives, but what we are able to do is utilise that spark of godliness and better understand that as spiritual beings having a human journey and not vice versa.
Where now is that light in the darkened room ?
Is the expectation that the room will eventually light up?
What is it exactly that you are waiting for?
The ability to shed the past and create the illumination.
What you are seeking is not outside you.
The effervescence and the luminosity of that light radiates from the inner core outwards.
The only thing that is preventing you ,is yourself.
One has to travel a long way out of one's way to realise and have the epiphany that everything existed inside of self before the external journey.
There are those that would say that the external is a waste of time.
Why can't we just find those gems and move on.
This is the paradox of one's journey,exacerbated by the consumer society we inhabit.
We want everything now.
Anyone that promises one personal enlightenment in five easy lessons is deluded.
Each of us has that individual soul print spark and as such we all have our individual lessons to learn.
Life will provide us with the classroom; the people we meet will provide us with the situations, but we as individual souls are the only one's able to take the steps to regain what we once were and experience that sense of connectedness and joyousness.
In the surrender to and the embrace of the darkness, we are able to embrace ourselves to the possibilities of our own purpose and destiny.
For those who await a miracle of things to change, take charge and facilitate the first step.
Standing on a desolate coastline, on a beach, in the mist which has rolled in overnight and blanketed everything in it's secret cloak, awaken to the possibilities, changing your perceptions and as the the sun climbs, unseen in the sky and burns the blanket of mist away, experience the invigoration of the heat, as the fire cleanses and purifies, and realise ,that as you begin to see more and more, you are never alone and never have been.
Lined up along the beach are the mass of seekers, who are alongside you and as the mists dissipate, you will begin to see the interlocking threads of of connectedness and then there will be a knowingness, which has transcended the belief ,and the light will radiate from the inner core outwards and you will know the oneness of all humanity.