Harmony forgotten and lost
Reminded and remembered
In the sacred realms of nature
"We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive
where we started and know
the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
delivered into the crucible of awareness
rising from the ashes
changed into the universal flow of being
You know I love this piece. You also know why. Three lines and they say it ALL. Bless you.
I am giving a talk at a local college about my life in the rainforest this Thursday that I hope to video. Part of that talk are about this very thing. How we have forgotten and need to remember. And we have forgotten much. In forgetting we have wandered far from our path. And yes, it was my time in the rainforest that awoke me in ways that no book, to teacher, no guru :), no religion, etc. could ever awaken me or ever did. Nature is infinitely vast.
Because we have forgotten we humans find it hard to believe that nature can teach us everything we need to know. Everything. We separate from nature and have for a long long time and then we look for answers in our secondhand lives. When just outside our boxes awaits the opportunity to live/experience firsthand who we are. Oh, Nature is a patient one. And never holds a grudge, never keeps score, timeless and ALWAYS loving. She waits for us to see and learn who we really are.
Thank you for seeing and knowing.
You are a gift in this world.
Molto bene grazie
The irony of nature is that it exists even in the city--in small pockets of isolation which are begging to be re integrated back into the whole.
Life is so busy, most look, but forget to see---it is not- 'out there'---it is omnipresent.
Good luck with the talk--a potted plant is the beginning of a journey into the inner realms of nature and of self.
take care
namaste friend
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