Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Cyclic Circle.......

The rain invigorates the spirit as the reverberating drops cause their moisture to seep into the ground.

Held in the grip of invisibility, the dry parched throat struggles to swallow, as the brain continues to process.

An intangible weight strikes it's poser in the chest cavity and spreads it's gravity outwards.

A lone bee struggles to find the last vestiges of pollen in the early autumn.

The twitching muscles lead the dynamic, by the nose ring, through the many battles, capitulated in the surrender of self.

Residues of this self coat the persona in a juxtaposition of haunted faces, overlaid as one.

The chest heaves a sigh, as the inward forces resurrect themselves, expanding the chest cavity in their battle of wits, to leave.

Ceremonial adulation and recognition heap themselves upon each other, speaking in tongues, as the silent one's look on.

Asphyxiated trajectories slide into each other, trepanning themselves once again into a retrospective slurry.

Fallen logs echo their own anguish in the march of transcendence.

Butterflies transmute the colour of their flapping  enthusiasm into the joyful songs of birds.

The raindrops caress the cheeks and fall with the tears into the abyss of difference.

Stretched carcasses pound their hooves through the fields of green, snorting with the spectacle of life.

Striped thunder runs their race across  the dry bush veld, waiting their chance for the first rains.

Dew drops curl their way down without ever falling, as the mask of invisibility slips through it's own notches of gravity.

Heirlooms, cauterised in blood, float themselves across time, carrying their own stories seeped in the lore of reflection.

Stone aggregate crunches under the empty boots, wandering across the lavender scented courtyard.

The seven tier fountain oozes it's precious liquid, as the sound of the cascading droplets echo and resonate through the maze of being.

The twitching fingers drag the clouds across the sky, serenaded by the singing weavers laying fortuitously in the water.

The sunbeams scratch the surface with their brightnesses, enmeshing and effusing all with it's heat , encouraging the willingness and the courage to be present.

Ebullient and joyous in an expanding cyclic circle of balance , enhancing the centre in it's clarity and perspective.

Facets and perceptions.......

From the darkness.......

Drifting clouds of hematite blackness engulf the self, caging the essence with it's filaments of nothingness.

Structures of glass and steel move in on itself, creating a vacuum, where the life essence is being trapped and slowly dessicated.

The cranium starts to shrink in it's own oblivion until the cracks appear, and that one beam of light shines through.

The connection is made as the laser like beam disseminates it's truth and the process of reverse dessication begins.

The oblique weight of the intangible darkness is replaced with the lightness of being.

In flight.......

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Free flow.....

Floating gestures free wheel themselves across the raging torrents of emotionality, greeting the well wishers and soothsayers, immobilised on the banks of the river.

Fallen nests gather speed as they are navigated by the current, in the luxury of their own surrender.

Coloured lanterns hang surrealistically  above, flickering and extending themselves with their joyousness below.

Scar tissue bears itself for the first time, after being buried, in a laden heart , and an immobilised mind.

Rays of light melt the tissue slowly, as the mind opens the floodgates to love and disburses the guilt and self loathing.

A slowly constructive process of letting go  whilst leaping into the open spaces of the heart with a confirmed conviction and intent.

Walking the warm dunes, the sand sparkles with the shards of coloured glass sprinkled like hundred's and thousand's, reminding one of a fleeting childhood ice cream sundae.

Through the looking glass, the feet find their own way,without a stumble or a fall.

The coloured shards melt into the sand from whence they came.

The illusion of reality and the reality  of the illusion continue to extrapolate and perpetuate themselves. as the floating gestures continue on their unabated path, in their own free flow.

Burning brightly on the horns of a dilemma

burning brightly on the horns of a dilemma

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Sustenance passes itself through the mesh of life, undeterred in it's mission to nurture and sustain through a cycle, layered in the many facets that are present, whilst the uninitiated miss the salient importance of that which is already there.

The persistent practice of knots pays off as the gust of the wind  catches the billowing sail and illuminates it with it's power.

Willing Gods and Goddesses whisper and play muse to all who  open their petals and surrender their precious scent to the universe, while struggling selflessly in the chaos.

Blank slate catches the sibilant whispers from the tar pits, perpetuating the flurry of barbs that are launched from their lack of curiosity and ultimate shallowness.

Recycling the conventional into the extraordinary, reaps the benefits of a purpose held in the sanctity , of each breath taken.

Tasking the silence to reveal it's hidden secrets as the water catapults itself over the precipice in a spectacular display of spray and rainbows.

Images investigate their new lodgings in the brain, toying with the other residents and enjoying the illusion of their  own longevity, in the slow capture and quick release.

Quilted patchwork thoughts sing their own karaoke, in the shouting of the silence, in their own subtleties of movement.

Panicked at the cross roads of their duality, the wilted flowerpots lose their petals in the first breeze. 

An eternity of sunlit petals float endlessly as the vibrations grow in their own stature.

Crass immobilisation's follow the greed across the urgency of their own situations.

Exploits pluck the strings of the Stradivarius ........hoping, praying  and wondering through the mockery of their own technique.

In the lapse of attention , days follow each other and all blends and blurs into a oneness of being.

Cognition of  each step, each vision in it's pureness of form and purpose, whilst the essence is held in the crucible of nurtured understanding.

Succumbing to the palpability of the moment, all else is surrendered into the flow.

Through the rock face.......