The femine intuitiveness
Through the realms of nature
"We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive
where we started and know
the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
delivered into the crucible of awareness
rising from the ashes
changed into the universal flow of being
This is so beautiful!
Derick, yer still rockin'! :-)
this was VERY good, methinx.
thanks for the post
Jan 4 Insight
Thank you and glad that it is appreciated
I feel more that I am cooking
I thank the muses for the inspiration
Take care
Beautiful colors...love this!
Very soothing on the eye--
These pix are special to me!
I find this profoundly beautiful and feminine. Intimately so It speaks to me of great peace, knowing and mystery...and all on a lever so deep that many would not even see it let alone ever feel it. And yet the woman (or man) feeling it does not care whether it is seen or not because at this point they have BECOME it. They have merged and live in another world. And what a beautiful world it is.
WOW, that just came out of me and now I have tears in my eyes. I guess if I am honest I of speak of myself. And I think I speak of you as well. And...all others who live this.
Thank you my dear friend. I have been touched by great beauty today. Hugs, Robin
I thank you for your insights into what I write and I cannot claim to have seen what you see as I let all flow out in the moment and on a deeper level I have tried to balance the essence of what and who I am by being open.
As much as understanding the why is analytical, the manifestation is the assimilation and the surrender which gives one that wholeness and peace.
Thank you
Namaste friend
Take care
Touching one other human being is the blessing and the illumination.
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