Standing alone
Together in a Que
With no one around
A gallery of life
Exuding the viscosity's of living
The lulling rocking motion
A vessel
Seemingly at rest
Inundation of stimuli
Varied responses
Catatonia revisited
A movement
An up pended emotion
A dubious feeling of desire
with the hollowness of the illusion
A grappling with the dualities
A misunderstanding of the dichotomies
An inward quest
Implosive in it's nature
in it's outward journey
A curiosity
A willingness to pioneer
A bypass
An altered perception
Reaching into the chest cavity of life
A sojourn
Through the illusions of the mind
A murmur of movement
On the fingertips
A forward momentum
The beating heart
In the palm of the hand
A recognition
A surrender
The heart flows
Held tightly
In the palm
An outward journey
Held aloft
Both hands
Hold onto
The beating heart
An altered reality
An apparent truth
The duality of the illusion
The misconception of the dichotomy
Into the ether
The wholeness
The authenticity
Truth in action