To be able to see and feel the moments of each day with the graciousness and the gratitude of the moment
"We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive
where we started and know
the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
delivered into the crucible of awareness
rising from the ashes
changed into the universal flow of being
I just absorbed a whole bunch of your creations here and am blown away by the depth and ease of your perception. Being a very touchy feely person who is very emotional and visual I like the visceral quality to this one. I, again, felt it in my gut; I got an immediate gut response of knowing in my body. I love when that happens. Your work does that a lot to me. I am so glad that you are always creating. I think you would burst if you stopped, because there is such a powerful well spring in you that it has to continually flow. That is very special. Hugs to you my deep and kind friend. Robin
Your comments and feedback are always appreciated
namaste friend
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