Tracing the course
Following the imprint
Accessing the intuitiveness
of one's own footprints
In the flow of destny
"We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive
where we started and know
the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
delivered into the crucible of awareness
rising from the ashes
changed into the universal flow of being
I love the way the words are juxtaposed with the images, so dream-like and other-worldly. How do you create your images?
I started off with straight image making a number of years ago.
Since I changed to digital two years ago it opened up many more creative opportunities and possibilities.
The images are combined in the moment and the words are added at a later stage when the muse of words finds the muse of the image and resonates with it.
It is very symbolic of life's journey, in the way that there can never be any preconceived ideas and the road is wide open for exploration.
Thanks for the feedback and the visit
Take care
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