Leaping the great divide, whether one thinks, at that moment in time, that one is ready or not.
Each moment exhibits itself to have the potential of change and the synchronicity to usurp one's true heritage, as a spiritual being, while existing in the illusion's laboratory of the duality of the now.
The conditioning and the hell bent ideologies that are able to break certain barriers and propel themselves, with their own forward momentum with the label of progress are many.
In in the realms and spheres of sanctity, divineness and oneness of all individuals, it seems to contain the spirit and essence of all in chains and at the same time offers and creates the illusion of forward momentum, while excepting the cost as a given.
Sacred cows of intent, thought and extrapolation should be visited with the same veracity, without the self serving agenda of the few.
The awakened individual inherently has the power to effect change.
Herein lies the dichotomy, that to effect change, one has to have the right conduits to channel the energy.
How does one group obtain a similar power base, to be able to overcome the cause of the symptoms, without falling into the pitfalls of a vehicle, which is totally self serving with the intentions to win at all costs, with the appendage of excepted collateral damage.
To think that it is only the governments that control the destinies of countries and the world, is part of the illusion.
The power also lies in business private enterprise and multi nationals, who present themselves with a logo and a mission statement, but who have little responsibility to the general populace and are only accountable to the shareholders.
Marketing has conditioned all to cast their votes, not for a person, party or an ideology, but, for a projected need and desire for objects of a consumer society.
Even when the need for something is genuine, eg food--the marketing has taken over and manipulated it to the Nth degree, enforcing and reinforcing the benefits of the products, while reaping the excessiveness of profits, still at the expense of all.
If there were solutions and answers society is still looking for them.
The only way to change the external symptoms is to leap that great divide on a personal basis.
The paradigm shift can only emanate from the individual, until the amount of same thought people changes the whole.