To rise above oneself
To see all
To gain perspective
To flourish
To be empowered
In the reality of the duality the truth emrges and merges with the whole!
There is no going back
"We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive
where we started and know
the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
delivered into the crucible of awareness
rising from the ashes
changed into the universal flow of being
Namaste' Derick I like how your writings with images make me think, you say little but a lot.
Typically I try to think as little as possible due to my tendency to over think everything. So I always focus on simplifying stuff, and breaking it down.
You always have a message. Metta
namaste sky,
Great to have you return after the summer !
There is that intimacy, immediacy and spontaneity in first conjuring up the image and then flowing with the image and dredging up the words to convey what is resonating at that particular time.
overthinking is only a bind when one is atttached emotionally to the outcome.
Thank you
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