Saturday, November 1, 2008

As the Wheel Turns Once Again.......

Letters, words, thoughts, images surrender themselves in the process of personal emancipation, which may lead to group emancipation, and as the full moon bears witness to an eons old process, the sentient being struggles with the day to day reality, and no matter how far one thinks that one is on this wondrous, joyous path of discovery of one's own spirituality and being mindful of what is at stake, there will be the times that no matter how confident and self assured, one will slip into a pocket of darkness, which turns out to be a crossroads of opportunity, if one so chooses, or it could be the bog that holds one transfixed and immobilised with fear, as the mind loses the intensity and the focus on the greater picture, and even then this pastiche, a frozen moment in time, which may seem to drag on for an eternity, there will always be the decisions that one ultimately has to make and whether one fights or takes flight, the core of one's essence takes the toll of the constant manifestation of the deluge of events, which are seemingly without reason and without control, and as this filters through the organism , no matter how dire the situation is in real time, there is always that moment in one's life, where the feeling and the external emotion of what was felt, has to be remembered, in order for an anchor to be weighed in the landslide of events, to be able to leave the events and the cards where they fall and return to a space of wholeness from whence the battle of self will continue with a renewed vigour, without the grabbing onto the periphery and honing into a selfless act of connecting with others and trying not to be the taker, but the giver, while in the discernment of the language that one conveys outwardly lies the key to a mindset, which in itself, is a key in being able to gain perspective in the turn of events, and to be able to lighten the load of reconciling the emotional impact of what one senses were events directed in a personal way and taking this energy and turning it into a springboard, to propel oneself into another classroom of learning, which will ultimately leave one feeling more empowered, more confident and more able to make sense of a puzzle, as the pieces start to drift together of their own accord and the energy patterns, that are there, seem to flow with the energy imprint of this sentient being, and in the surrender, the choices open up and the multiple opportunities that exist, like fireflies dancing on a darkened night, and in the process leaving one with a sense of oneness, as all seems to be just as it should be, and the wheel of life turns once again.

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