Pushing past the brick wall of one's own perceived limitations !
"We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive
where we started and know
the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
delivered into the crucible of awareness
rising from the ashes
changed into the universal flow of being
Be proactive... :)
Thanks--being proactive relies finding solutions to future problems before they happen.
The caption under this image does say--
"Pushing past the brick wall of one's own perceived limitations"
---which has the implication that ther is is a sense of proactiveness in progress and the status quo of the situation is definately far from stagnant.
thanks for the visit
Love this one and the words just jumped out at me. It is one of the main quests in my life. Always asking myself where have I "accepted" or fallen asleep at the wheel? What vast horizon have I missed because I am being myopic?
I find it one of Life's greatest joys to suddenly find a wall and realize that I don't need it, that it is in fact an illusion!!!
Ooooh that give me shivers....
....as I strive for the infinite and the all.
Bless you for this.
Hugs to you Derick!
Robin, Thanks
for that and succinctly put--the illusion of reality and the reality of the illusion.
Take care
namaste friend
Ringraziamenti per i hugs
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