Sunday, April 8, 2012

The reflection.......

In the reflection all is a possibility traversing the gamut of emotions 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

In the seed of a dream.......

Enfolded and nurtured in the seed of a dream
as the gentle updraughts of warm air 
lightens the shadows    
and darkness 
of an amnesiac fog

An untravelled path filled with the misconceptions and falseness
seemingly without  a source
drifting aimlessly

The sparks of of the hypnotic fire jump and disappear 
into the nothingness of the sky

Buildings stand deserted
Function and upkeep surpass their usefulness
The empty rooms echo and sing with their laughter

Monotonous drum beats
surrender themselves in the dry heat
wisps of smoke curl salaciously from the fire
touching all who gaze into the depths of the flames
and themselves

Visionary feet march their way through the stone maze 
never doubting the veracity and possibilities 
inherent in the process

Eyes closed
in the subtle watery warmth
outer cores surrenders completely
embracing the evolving moments of spontaneity

Enfolded and nurtured once again
in the seed of a dream

Friday, April 6, 2012

Bristling and unfolding along the way.......

Bristling in the headlong rush of awareness as the acuteness of the stimuli on the senses seeps into the marrow of being.

Through the narrow confines of the gulley, to the wide expanses of infinity, opening the heart and letting go of the last vestiges of conditioned perception.

Mutating cells stand dignified in the light of truth.

Mesmerised and magnified beyond the shadows which lie shattered in the onslaught of a unified sense of wholeness, the circle turns inexorably in it's natural flow and pattern.

Moments filled with the passing of  time and devoid of everything except infinity.

Stepping stones of innocence and love prolong and ground the moment for an eternity.

An excising of parts and a precipitation of the death, moment by moment.

Bristling in the continued awareness, the path unfolds in it's own magnificence once again.