Sunday, December 16, 2007

LIBERATING ONESELF..................

what exactly does it mean to liberate oneself ?
what is liberation ?
is it a fanciful idea, which is not obtainable ?
where does one start ?
are their parameters ?
what are the processes ?
how does one get out of the hole ?

firstly one has to acknowledge that there is a hole and the reasons for being in that hole are the choices that have been made.
if that is true, then there has to be a sense of openness and the taking of personal responsibility.

one could ask and say that the situations were not of your making and that there was no choice, to the outcome.
there is always a choice---
the choice that one has, is not of changing the situation.
there are times when things just happen.
why they happen is another story.

where the choice lies is in the perception of the situation and what one is going to do with the emotional energy.

everything that happens in one's life is an event.
the amount of emotional energy that one invests in the event, is up to each individual.
sometimes in a situation, when the individual is traumatised, one does not have a choice in what transpires.
as a sentient being, one responds to a stimulus, being in the reactive mode.
after this is when one has the choice of what one wants to do with the pent up feelings of energy.

it is an obligation of each sentient being, to resolve the issues.
to be able to clear the retentive energy is a must.

one has to get back the equilibrium that was lost, but at the same time, not to get comfortable with it.

to grow and fulfill one's destiny, is not to be comfortable at all times.
it is a question of pushing the parameters of one's own cocoon outwards.

making the choice to do this ,enables one better, to handle the situations that do crop up.

it does not come as any great shock, when one's security blanket is not nestled up to one.
the security blanket is nor something that one ever loses.
you could say how is that possible ?
we grow up ,take responsibility or not, have children or not,work or not........etc
the security blanket is like energy,
it changes from one form to another.
from an outward physical symbol/object, it becomes an internal sense of knowingness.

to be able to make this transition, and it is possible, one has to be able to reprogram, who one is and what one is,
this does not rely on the external trappings of a consumer society.
it relies on what you are on a spiritual level.

the knowingness of self is the key
when one reaches this stage, the security blanket is in the knowledge of who one is.
one does not need and external false sense of security
this does not mean that one does not need people in one's life
people and relationships are the keys to forward progress.
in the process of relationships the opportunity exists to turn selfishness into selflessness and arrogance into humility.
to be able to be loved and love.

what about the expectations ?
they are always prevalent.

what about my needs ?
what about my wants ?
what about my desires ?
if one is able to sacrifice all ,without having an expectation, then you have started to realise what it is all about.

another question is, how far would you like to travel on your journey.

to envisage one's destiny is hard---to fulfill it even harder.
if something is that difficult. you might ask, .........why even bother !

life and living are a precious commodity,
it is easy to take all for granted.
keep on pretending, it is your right to inhale and exhale.
it is very easy to be disingenuous and dishonest.

what have you got to lose by dropping the facade.
others are too busy worrying about themselves, to worry about your issues.

one has to be one's own leader and follower.
the resolution of one's fears will take you forward to the next hurdle.

in the willingness and the courage to take the next step. the involution will bring about the evolution.
to learn and know how prepared one is to make the ultimate sacrifice.

the surrendering of the illusion of who you are, to discover, what you always knew, which was waiting for itself to be revealed.

there is the obligation that one has for the gift of life and it is up to you to render your responsibilities to it.

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