Monday, December 17, 2007



Grace said...

Absolutely beautiful...Amazing Grace has always been one of my very favorite spiritual songs and hearing it sung in another language was , well, Amazing!


derick said...

when i first came upon it, it blew me away
it is an embrace into another culture coming to meet us on our ground( the one we are secure on and not fearful)


Anonymous said...

My mother has an inexplicable fascination with Native Americans... has a collection of more than 50 Native American dolls (and wolves) in her home... and often brags of our Native American roots, none of which are documented, but are very clear in my own appearance. According to my parents, I'm part Cherokee on my mother's side, and part Cherokee and Blackfoot on my father's side. Toss in a bit of German, Irish, and French... and apparently you get a "Sparky".

I've been asked all my life what nationality I am, but at work the other day was the first time that someone actually approached me, placed her hand on my shoulder, and asked me point blank, "Are you Native American?"

I replied, "In part, yes, but I can't prove it."

She answered, "Your face is proof."

I found this video extremely moving, and it served as a time of meditation that I sorely needed today.

Thanks for sharing it.


derick said...

it is a time of synchronicity--all the moments leading up to you visiting my blog.
the most important aspect is to embrace who you are for your own spiritual growth and not to please other peoples curiosity.
you are lucky enough to have had a heritage of people who were more in touch with themselves and their surroundings than most.
your sou; searchoing will lead you to the answers that you are looking for.
take care