Tuesday, February 28, 2017

In the joyousness.......

Untethered, the rawhide reins flap in the welcoming breeze, as the nostrils flare themselves in the increase of the uptake.

Strains of old time jazz flood the spaces of the heart, evoking the smoky mystery of it's progenitors.

Swirls of colour reflect in the whirlpool of images that pervade the psyche in the falling rain.

 Stationary people move up and down, with their own realities, on the grinding metal staircase.

Perspectives of love flourish in the quiet surrender of the holistic alternatives.

Residues of angst and hatred rear themselves upwards in their augmented cemented perspective of a reality.

Journeys traveled on the asphalt carriageways spill over into the psyche.

Mesmerising images take their chances with the collation of all from the past, stitching itself into a panoramic present.

In the idyllic sanctity of nothingness, the ochre earth and heated dryness does naught to explain the struggle for survival in this beautiful desolate landscape.

Familiar faces appear from the undergrowth, the same, but subtly changed with the elongation of time.

The intensity and pureness of the clouds uplifts my heart and essence, as the whimsicality of the birds in flight, sets all free

Stitches of colour weave their way across the canvas of creativity, as the dancing swallows flitter across the sky in a panoramic dance of grace and gratitude.

Whispering willows bow their boughs in a heightened sense of awareness and surrender as the sparkling flow of the azure waters reflects the whole linear passage of all time in an instant.

The bleached bones of the scribbling scribe float gloriously over the mirrored surface, guided gently across the realms of imagination as the flames of Prometheus light the infinity of all.

The musicality of the dirge echoes through it's own ranks, as the stomping feet and union of voices climb the thermals in the joyousness of being

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