In the synthesis of the elements
All becomes one
"We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive
where we started and know
the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
delivered into the crucible of awareness
rising from the ashes
changed into the universal flow of being
BEAUTIFUL photo and words! :)
Thank you-it's appreciated
take care
Hi dear Derick, How are you doing? I've been going really slow with blogging due to work, but doing a bit of catching up today.
You have many amazing peices here but this photo is so other worldly I lose myself in it. Even though I read other post and and REALLY enjoyed them I kept coming back to this. It makes me feel how I feel when I merge with all the life around me. Where tree end and I begin, where does rock start I end, and so forth. Until I am merged with all that is. I was experiencing this the other day and started to write about the experience of "being" what IS. I feel my greatest love in this place. There is no sense of ME and yet the is more sense of who I am that ever. I am feeling this a lot lately even when I am indoors. Anywhere. It is an extremely euphoric and yet languid feeling. So passionately alive tears often roll down my face. I'm sure you understand what I mean.
Thank you my good friend. I'm sending you a hug, Robin.
Thank you---when I created the image there was this kind of duality and merging at the back of my mind.
Your comments are always insightful and spot on
mille grazie
namaste friend
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